life according to instagram #1 {july}

31.7.15 noelle 0 Comments

As you may know, I'm not exactly a fan of what Florida has to offer during the summer. (Stifling upper 90's temperatures, the need to apply loads of sunscreen so I don't end up looking like a tomato, etc.) Putting the weather aside, July has been a good month for me all in all. Although I wasn't in Portugal like last year, I had new experiences here in Florida that were still pretty great…  

I went to our local Saturday Morning Market a few times, as well as my most recent favorite place to shop—IKEA! During a weekend vacation to visit family in Southern Florida, I took up coloring. It's safe to say that I'm completely obsessed, as you might have noticed from my previous post.  

In major news, this is the last month before I officially become a senior in high school! This time in my life has always seemed so much further away than it actually was and now it's coming full speed ahead. I started touring universities which has made me way to excited/nervous/eager for the next few years of my life. 

As you can also probably tell from many of my photos in July that I've been musing over my next trip. I'm planning on doing another Europe adventure this coming summer holiday. I guess I've always had the "travel bug" in me, but now that I'm getting older I'm getting more opportunities to explore!

My bucket list for August: 

- begin saving for next summer 

- finish a coloring book (of course by then I'll have bought another 5) 
- celebrate the little things 
- start the school year off on a good note 
- take pictures of everything 


rainy days in florida

30.7.15 noelle 0 Comments

It's been raining for almost a week and I'm completely in love with this weather. It may sound strange, seeing as Floridians are supposed to enjoy all things summer all year long. But that's never exactly been the case for me. Places like Forks and Seattle have always been the most appealing--and let's not forget about lovely England across the pond! I would move there in a heartbeat. 

Of course, it can be a bit depressing when the skies are so gloomy, but there are plenty of ways to pass the time and still enjoy yourself. One of my recent favorite rainy day activities is coloring. Yes, believe it or not I have become slightly (okay, maybe not so slightly) obsessed. It seems to be the new trend of the year.

Regardless of the fact that I look like a 6 year old furiously coloring my way to a stress-free day at Barnes and Noble, it's absolutely addicting. You can't deny that a cupcake as big as your face, dozens of Sharpies, and a few coloring books is the perfect way to spend a rainy afternoon in the city.

And simply because I love making lists, here are some of my other rainy day fixes: 

- drinking hot chocoate (I don't care for tea very much) 
- listening to a jazz radio station, mainly stuff from the 40's or 50's 
- snuggling with my little pup 
- reading a book... or two 
- wearing rubber boots and splashing in the puddles
- having a Disney movie marathon (because what else should you watch?) 
- visiting the bookstore
- making chocolate chip cookies or pancakes​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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