my life in a nutshell...

1.10.15 noelle 0 Comments

seventeen | senior | florida | writer wannbe | disney enthusiast

My name is Noelle, the almost Christmas baby. I've lived in Florida my entire life and no--I don't live in my swimsuit, lounging underneath palm trees all day long. You can usually find me wearing mismatched socks, mug of hot chocolate in-hand, reading a book or watching Netflix. I love wintertime, the Frank Sinatra radio station, and pretending I'm actually a good singer (mostly while I'm driving). Someday, I hope to learn at least 3 other languages besides English, attend a university in France, and explore the world.  

I am currently going to school to earn my high school diploma and AA degree, which I will (hopefully) recieve in May. Whatever I end up deciding to pursue as a career, I want to love what I do. (Although, my pipe dream is to move to Paris and own a bookshop/cafe.) I post mainly about my everyday life as a college student, but also include my other interests--traveling, food, coloring (once you start, it's impossible to stop!), and shopping. I started this blog to document my adventures while trying to find myself as a person (and soon-to-be grown up!) 

One day, I would like to look back at the things I wrote when I was discovering who I am, and who I want to become in the future. So, to whoever's reading this little note: thank you for stopping by my corner of the internet! P.S. -- I'm a big believer in lowercase letters (love them actually), which means most of my titles (including this page) aren't going to be captalized. That's just how adventurous I am.